
Site layout - what is it and what types exist

Site layout - what is it and what types exist
Site layout - what is it and what types exist
Site layout - what is it and what types exist
Site layout - what is it and what types exist

The creation of a web resource, regardless of its scale and complexity, is impossible without high-quality layout. This stage defines the look and feel of each page, affecting the user experience and overall functionality of the site. The layout process requires specialized knowledge, in particular, the ability to work with HTML code. Therefore, the involvement of a professional in this field is necessary to achieve the result.


What is site layout?


The term "layout" comes from the field of printing and refers to the organization of headings, columns, images and other elements to achieve optimal orderliness and ease of perception of information by the reader.


Such a comparison helps untrained users better understand what exactly is involved in website layout. This process involves placing various elements on the page, such as text, headings, images, blocks and banners, according to a pre-designed design. Layout involves the creation of a clear, but flexible structure that can adapt to different device sizes.


At this stage of website development, front-end specialists are involved. Their activity is not focused on the creation of functionality, but on the visual presentation of content on the page, which ensures the convenience of the user's perception of information.


What does the layout consist of?


The basic element of layout is the HTML markup language, which involves correctly writing codes known as tags to organize content on a web page. Tags determine the placement of elements, their structure, order, as well as the size and font of text and headings. CSS is an additional tool responsible for stylistic design and visual content.


In addition to skillful use of HTML and CSS, the editor's functionality also includes:


- working with graphic content and its organization in folders. Effective management of graphic content involves optimizing images for web use, using different formats (JPEG, PNG, WebP) and structured organization of files in folders.


- connecting JavaScript libraries. Connecting libraries such as jQuery or React allows you to use ready-made solutions and reduces development time. It is important to place scripts at the bottom of the document to optimize loading speed.


- initial and periodic testing of the correctness of page content display. Initial testing is done after the layout is complete to detect display errors. Using tools like BrowserStack allows you to test your site on different devices. Regular checks after updates help maintain a high level of quality.


Stages of website layout


Website design consists of several key stages:


Preparation. At this stage, the main goals of the site, as well as its target audience, began. This includes analyzing user needs and installing key functional requirements that the site does not support. At this time, graphic design mockups were also created to reflect the visual style and structure of the site. In parallel, all the necessary files and resources, such as fonts, images, icons and other elements that ensure the integrity of the design, are collected.


Creating an HTML structure. This stage provides the development of the basic structure of the web page using HTML. Logical and clear arrangement of content is important to ensure ease of navigation and perception of information. Correct semantics of the HTML code also improves the accessibility of the site and its index by search engines.


Development of styles. This step changes the styles for various page elements, including fonts, colors, and indents. Organizing CSS files by components or blocks makes style management easier. An important aspect is the creation of a grid and alignment of elements, which should ensure an aesthetically pleasing and functional design.


Layout of components and blocks. This stage involves the detailed design of individual elements, such as product cards, forms and buttons. Component design includes attention to detail that ensures integrity and ease of use. Each element must correspond to the overall style of the site and functional requirements.


Using CSS preprocessors. At this stage, CSS preprocessors such as SASS or LESS are used. They will not be able to optimize the code, increase its modularity and provide easier management of styles. Preprocessors provide additional features such as variables, nested selectors, and mixins that make code cleaner and easier to understand.


Development of interactivity. JavaScript integration is key to making your site dynamic and interactive. This can include animations, form processing, loading content without reloading downloads, etc. Proper JavaScript implementation also improves overall site performance.


Adaptive layout. At this stage, it is checked how the site is displayed on different devices and in different browsers. Adaptive layout ensures ease of use, regardless of screen size. This includes testing on mobile phones, tablets and desktops to ensure a quality experience for all users.


Functionality testing. Functionality testing is a critical step. This is the detection and correction of errors that may be included in the operation of the site. Testing covers all aspects, from navigation to interactive elements, to ensure that the site works as intended.


Optimization and final verification. Before launching the site, a final check is carried out, which includes optimization of content, images and code to increase loading speed. This also includes checking the presence of all elements, the correctness of the work functions and the conformity of the design.


Launching the site. The final stage of publishing the site on the Internet. After all checks and tests, the site becomes available to users. It is important to ensure that the site is supported and updated after launch to address potential issues.


The main types of site layout



Tabular layout, which is one of the first methods used in web design, involves the formation of tables for the correct display of elements. The main tag in this case is <table>, which defines the parameters of the table. The <td> tag is responsible for the content of the columns, and the <tr> tag is responsible for the rows. This approach can be useful for creating simple web pages, but its use is becoming less common.


Many experts believe that the tabular layout is outdated because it does not provide convenient placement of content. Often, empty cells and columns remain in tables, which leads to code overload and increased page weight. This negatively affects the performance and loading speed of web resources.



A more modern and more common approach to typesetting involves the use of a block structure. In this case, the basic element is the <div> tag, which defines the dimensions, positioning and other parameters for each block, such as the title, logo, banners, images, etc. Such markup is easier, clearer and more attractive for search engines.


It is important to note that the block layout of the site is impossible without the use of CSS codes, which are responsible for the background, colors and style of displaying the content. This provides greater flexibility in design and the ability to more easily manage the appearance of web pages.



Responsive layout is the easiest way to organize the content of a web resource. The main advantage of this approach is its ability to adapt not only to the specifics of display in browsers, but also to different screen sizes of PCs, smartphones, tablets and other devices. This provides a high level of convenience for users.


It is important to note that in an adaptive layout, each element does not have a clearly defined or fixed position; instead, it is "floating", allowing it to effectively adapt to different screen configurations. This contributes to the improvement of the user experience and ease of interaction with the content.



In the structure of content layout, as in other types, HTML tags remain the main elements. However, their location is determined not by the design of the original layout, but by the content of the page. The hierarchy of such elements is formed according to the importance of the presented information, which puts logic and content first, rather than appearance.


Experts emphasize that this approach to website layout facilitates navigation and improves usability for users. Simplifying the understanding of the content structure for search robots, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the ranking of the site in search engines.


When the layout is considered correct


A layout is considered correct if it meets a number of key requirements that ensure both display quality and website functionality. Let's consider these requirements in more detail:


Cross-browser compatibility: The site must display and function correctly in all modern browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge, as well as on different platforms, including mobile and desktop devices. This ensures that information is available to a wide range of users, regardless of their choice of browser or device.


Semantic HTML: HTML code must be semantically correct, which means using tags as intended. This not only improves accessibility for people with disabilities, but also has a positive impact on SEO. Correct content structure allows search engines to more easily index a site, which increases its visibility in search results.


Code Validation: It is important that the HTML and CSS code pass the validation check through the appropriate validators. This helps to detect errors that may affect the display and functionality of the site, ensuring its stability.


Speed ​​optimization: Layout should be optimized for fast page loading. This involves minimizing the size of files, images, and optimizing CSS and JavaScript. Loading speed is critical to keeping users' attention and improving their experience.


Cleanliness of the code: The code should be clean and easy to read, which simplifies the further maintenance and updating of the site. Using comments, logical structure, and proper formatting makes your code more understandable to other developers.


No errors: There should be no errors in the browser console. JavaScript errors or other problems can negatively affect the functionality of the site, so it is important to regularly check the console for such errors.


Testing: The layout should be thoroughly tested on different devices and with different screen sizes. This helps to identify and eliminate bugs that may arise during the use of the site, ensuring stable operation in various conditions.



Layout is the process of organizing the content of a website using HTML and CSS, which determines how the information will be presented to the user. There are different types of layout, in particular and adaptive, which ensures correct display on different devices.


Good layout includes design compliance, cross-browser compatibility, HTML semantics, load speed optimization, and code cleanliness. This not only improves the user experience, but also has a positive impact on SEO.

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